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  • Firefox/Safari: Umschalttaste drücken und gleichzeitig Aktualisieren anklicken oder entweder Strg+F5 oder Strg+R (⌘+R auf dem Mac) drücken
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/* Das folgende CSS wird für Benutzer der Vector-Benutzeroberfläche geladen. */

#content { background-color: #e9dfcb; } - changes the background color of the content of articles/pages, including the title of the articles.

#bodyContent { background-color: #e9dfcb; } - changes the background color of the content of pages, without the title of the pages.

#firstHeading { background-color: #e9dfcb; } - changes the background color only of page titles.

#catlinks { background-color: #e9dfcb; } - changes the background color of the area in which are displayed the links to the categories to which the page belongs. If a page is assigned to categories, they are listed exactly under the content of the page in a rectangular container.

/* standard link colors */
.mw-body-content a:link { color: #e9dfcb; } /* normal unvisited links */
.mw-body-content a:link:visited { color: #0B0080; } /* visited links */
.mw-body-content a:link:active { color: #FF0000; } /* active links */
.mw-body-content a:link.new { color: #FF0000; } /* new links */
.mw-body-content a:link.extiw { color: #3366BB; } /* interwiki links */
.mw-body-content a:link.external { color: #3366BB; } /* external links */
.mw-body-content a:link.stub { color: #772233; } /* hovered links */